Grandpa at the cousin picnic with our little Coco bean.....
beautiful blue eyed Cohen
all dressed for church....
Grandma and Cohen
Love that pouty look.....
two teethers....
Elsie in the house....
Kaydree, Carver, Ava and Elsie....
Merilee and Grandma with Ava and Elsie....
Here's Carver....
BYU-I Reunion....
Two babies.....
Kaydree at the bowling alley....
way to go Carver....
love these girls....
Brooksie Bob....
Grandma and Brooks
Ohhh cool...
Easter Clothes
Brooks and Afton....
All dressed up....
Brooks, Afton and the Easter Bunny at the Ward Easter party....
Robert's 55th birthday....Happy Birthday....
We are so grateful to have all the visitors....
March 13-23 Afton and Brooks
Ryan and Family April 5-9
Ansley and Cohen April 13-22
Come back soon....Everyone Welcome