Monday, March 9, 2009

more babysitting fun....

I'm Superman!!!!!
Cute little fingerprints in the rolls that were raising.....

Kelan doesn't like the pillows on our bed. He likes them on the floor so he can jump on them.

At least he is dressed in this picture.....

Kelan's idea of a superman cape, he loves the laundry basket....
Watching Kelan is always a fun filled day. He is always entertaining and up for a photo shoot. We are so grateful to have this little guy living with us. He is a joy....


Southern Belle said...

I can definitely see so much of Spencer in him!! What a cute little boy:) I bet it is fun having them all live with you! Hope you are doing well:)

Ashlee said...

Hi Robin! Kelan is so cute. The bra makes a great cape! Kids are so funny! How are you guys?

Kris said...

What a darling boy! Okay - instructions for posting "Why do Mormons Build Temples." Now this probably isn't the best way, but this is how I did it:

1. Go to your blog and open a new post

2. Give your blog a title

3. Under the "Edit HTML" tab paste this link:

4. Now, you probably won't see anything here (I didn't), but go ahead and save/post it.

5. View your blog and see if it worked! If not, let me know.

I hope that helped! Have a wonderful day.
