Friday, January 1, 2010

Christmas in St. Louie....

Our Christmas Tree's in Idaho
Stephen, Afton and Brooks at the Magic House

Brooks wearing Grandpa's glasses

Cohen in Kelan's tunnel

Afton being swung (Christmas Eve, Rotten Egg Game)

The boys with their toys...

Grandpa attempts the trick with Cohen

Christmas Eve Jammies

The trick with Kelan

The trick with Brooks....

Elsie and Ava on their way to the Magic House
Carver at the Magic House, going down the slide in Curious George's rocket

The Bubble Room

Carver in the Ball Room

Elsie and Ava in the Ball Tub

Carver driving a car...

Kelan and Kaydree with the sandbox

Nikki and Spencer

Merilee and the grand kids in their Jammies....

The time line at the Museum at the St. Louis Arch, 1830, The year the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints was organized....

Baseball in St. Louis, part of the Museum

Brooks and Spencer....

Ryan and his family......

Robert, Robyn, Ryan, Stephen, Spencer, Ansley and Merilee

TJ , Ansley and Cohen Bunnell

Grandma and Grandpa w/ the 2009 babies....

The whole clan....

Robert and Robyn with grand kids....

Merilee with Carver.....

Merilee with Kaydree


Merilee w/ her Dad and her gift to him....

Kelan practises being a big brother

Coco bean

Kaydree blowing a kiss Elsie and Ava in their tutu's made by their aunties....

Kaydree with her twin babies....

Rub a dub dub, three boys in a tub...

We had such a wonderful time in St. Louis, a big thank you to Ansley and TJ, for letting us stay at TJ's grandparents home. It was a blast. Dale and Shirlene Bunnell (TJ's grandparents) are serving a mission in the Philippines and TJ and Ansley are living in their home. We so appreciate it that we were able to all stay there for the Christmas Holiday. It is a warm, wonderful home....and we were all very comfortable. Thank you to Dale and Shirlene also......

With seven small children we mostly stayed home but ventured out a few times. Of course when we got there, shopping was the big adventure since baggage is such a big expense when you are flying...We did go out to dinner on Christmas Eve but never made it to the traditional Christmas Eve movie. After Ryan and his family made it to St. Louis, the Sunday morning after Christmas, (after driving all night) We visited the St. Louis Arch and Museum, on Monday and the Magic House on Tuesday...A big Thank You to Spencer and Nikki for helping out with the cost of food and everyone else for the meals they bought and prepared....

It all worked out so well, everyone worked together and got along and Carver never stood still, if all the pictures of him look like he is moving it is because he is always moving....He is a bundle of energy....


Life with the Thibeault's said...

Looks like you had a lot of Fun with your family in St. Louis, Your grand-kids are so adorable !! :)

Mrs. B said...

Fun, fun fun! So fun how much Merilee looks JUST like her mom...
Cute little grandbabies! I am not so secretly jealous of you.

k8 said...

What darling pictures! I can't get over little Cohen's big blue eyes. Thanks for inviting us to your parties!