Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Halloween Half Marathon and Carnival....and Cohen's haircut....

wow...this time I'm really backwards....this, the finished product of the haircut, sorry this is all backwards....please bare with my crazy blog.....Isn't he handsome, I think he looks kinda like Carver my second grandson....Cohen is grandson number four....

Cohen, the elvis look-alike for Halloween, getting his hair cut....by one of my pre-school girls Karly Hunter...

He is being so good....


oh....that feels good....

okay I never remember to not put these in order but go backwards.....after the half marathon in Provo we hurried back to Rexburg because Merilee was running the Halloween Carnival at BYU- Idaho....we are equally proud of her and her accomplishment with Social Board. She will be the area director next semester earning a full tutition scholarship for one semester, it would have been two but she had too many credits....but 1 is better that nothing...This is Stephanie Anderson, Merilee Cousin....she was a lot of help....

Angela Wisemen, another cousin and roomate Sydney were great helps also....

Merilee Kitty....always a kitty on Halloween....

Elvis-look-alike (Cohen) I wanted to draw some hair on his chest....back then hair chest was cool.....

I love you Cohen, oh yes I do....

My Hero....Ansley ran the half Marathon in under 2-1/2 hours in Provo, Utah on Oct 30,2010

We're all very proud of her....

love this little elvis look-alike....stay tuned for more Elvis look-alike pictures....

run Anz, run....

I am so proud of this girl, I tried to talk her out of running because I was so worried about her...she did wonderful and now that she has done it once, it's run Ansley run....way to go, keep it up...I am amazed, and doesn't she look great...sorry, I'm her mom and I'm no suppose to be proud....but....
Ansley had been training with a friend in St. Louis and flew in for the Marathon. thank you to Glen and Dana for flying Ansley in, we sure enjoyed our time with her and Cohen...

1 comment:

Life with the Thibeault's said...

That's so fun, Cohen is very handsome! And way to go Ansley, I don't know if I could run a 1/2 marathon.